Thursday, May 17, 2012


"What we need to know about loving is no great mystery. We all know what constitutes loving behavior; we need but act upon it, not continually question it. Over-analysis often confuses the issue and in the end brings us no closer to insight. We sometimes become too busy classifying, separating, and examining, to remember that love is easy. It's we who make it complicated."   Leo Buscaglia  

On this pursuit to find what is a balanced and happy relationship I have came upon an analysis on the movie 'Pretty Woman' written by Rachid Dayal that talks about Man/Woman relationship that I found to be very interesting.

He talks about the central couple in the movie and how they (Richard Gere and Julia Roberts) connect with each other complementing what the other one lacks on.
Gere sees something special about Roberts (the hooker he hired for a week) she is a smart girl trapped by the surroundings and circumstances of this life. He helps her to change her physical image, and her mental image and eventually she decides to leave the profession and move on to complete her schooling.

In the meantime Roberts sees in Gere (the client who hired her for the week yet does not want to have sex but talk) something amazing hidden inside that men. She walks him along the path to rediscover himself - to kill the cold, calculating businessman within him and make him a man who feels, who creates and who loves.

Rachid Dayal goes ahead to recognize that this movie relationship is a great analogy of what a really successful relationship should be. Every woman is beautiful and smart but living far from her potential. Usually circumstances force them to cut their dreams short and live the daily life. And most man get stuck in their day-to-day tasks rather calculating.

So, what is this ideal partnership?

Dayal believes that every person should look for someone who helps them grow into something great - their real potential. Someone who can show them a new life of excitement, potential and fun,  doing more that they do in their current lives.

Dayal makes a very valid point - an ideal relationship between two people should bring both of them up, to something twice as better from what there were individually. 

N. Cardoso

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